The Science Behind Sleep Position

Supine (back) sleep and snoring are both serious pregnancy health risks

Risk associated with Side Sleep Position
versus Supine sleep position

UK MiNess Study:

2.3x risk of

2.3x risk of stillbirth

New Zealand Study:

2.5x risk of

2.5x risk of stillbirth

Ghana Study:

2.5x risk of NICU

2.5x risk of NICU admission

Sydney Study:

6.3x risk of

6.3x risk of stillbirth

Pregnant women sleep on their backs 27% of the night

In late pregnancy, almost all women have 100% occlusion (blockage) of the Inferior Vena Cava (vein) when sleeping on the back.

Supine Sleep Supine Sleep

Hidden danger: only 13% of women go to bed supine, but over 50% end up spending at least 1.5 hours supine each night and over 80% spend some time supine.

How to Reduce Back Sleep

Women with pronounced snoring and sleep apnea during pregnancy are twice as likely to develop preeclampsia.

2 times the risk

risk of preeclampsia


2.8 times the risk

risk of gestational diabetes


2 times the risk

risk of preeclampsia

2.8 times the risk

risk of gestational diabetes

Preeclampsia (a complication observed in 7-9% of pregnant women that causes high blood pressure, kidney damage, and other problems) is the leading known cause of pre-term birth and is also associated with 2x risk of autism.

Supine sleep results in a 2.7x increase in the frequency and severity of snoring and sleep apnea, both of which are highly associated with preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

Pregnancy Coach System Helps Reduce Back Sleep

Woman in Left Sided, OB recommended, sleep position.

Our smart wearable sensor vibrates when you have been in a dangerous position for too long.

Pregnancy Coach

Pregnancy Coach Mobile App

Easy-to-use app lets you see your sleep patterns and adjust alarm settings.

Woman in Left Sided, OB recommended, sleep position. Easy-to-use app lets you see your sleep patterns and adjust alarm settings.